Friday, September 26, 2008

Bug the "Big One"

For as long as we can remember, Bug's definition of a "big girl" has been one who is potty-trained. She's said, more than once, "I don't go in the potty, so I'm not a big one." Well, almost overnight it seems, she's a big one! On Tuesday morning when she got up, Papa told her that there were no more diapers, and for once, she agreed. (This isn't the first time we've tried potty training...)

She had a few accidents on Tuesday, but since then, she's made it to the potty every time. Hopefully next week, we'll be reporting that she's in her big girl underwear as she knows that she can have it as soon as she goes a week without accidents. And yes, her big girl underwear has ladybugs on it!

By the way, being a "big one" has its perks as Bug now uses markers and scissors (with supervision, of course!) Apparently being a "big one" also brings other changes as Bug has told us that now that she's a big one she likes butter on her bread and whipped cream on her waffles!

And doesn't she look old with those ponytails? Her hair is long enough that she asks for them all the time now. How is it that she'll be 3 next month already?


  1. Ahh! This picture showed up in my reader (yes, I'm your subscriber) and I thought I was looking in some sort of crazy time-warp mirror. Must be the pigtails. She's gotten so big!

  2. Jed and I were commenting on how we remember Bug when she was Ali's age...she is so big now. We are happy she is becoming a "Big Girl". We hope to start potty training soon as well.

  3. I too was amazed at how bi she looks! :)


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